I don't know how teachers do it. The whole "inside recess" thing just isn't the same. Kids need fresh air, sunshine and to RUN. Especially my child. So we bundle up, wipe the snot and go outside. We take breaks inside to heat up and get bored again before we head back out. Thankfully, Isabelle's cousin is out of school so that means she has someone else to
I am no cold weather person, but cold weather when it's not snowing and when Christmas is over is just plain terrible, but I can't complain. So far, 2013 has been good to us. The Adoption Tax Credit has been extended (Praise the Lord!) and Isabelle put herself down for a nap!
I know this may not seem like a HUGE deal, but if you know my daughter then you know she is no ray of sunshine when you are trying to get her to go to sleep. Since she came into this world, she has hated sleep. She throws a fit just about every nap time and bed time and tries anything to get out of it (reality check: This is a blog. I don't post the pictures of her throwing tantrums and screaming. One day I will. And she will loathe me for it, but for now I will continue to show the happy, smiling little angel). She is so scared to miss anything in this exciting world, so she tries to stay awake 24-7. Well yesterday was a breakthrough day. We were at my mom's house when she said "I want to go take a little nap." So I told her that I couldn't go with her because I was busy, but she could go lay down on her Neena's bed. So she walked back in my moms bed and covered herself up and closed her little eyes. When I went back to check on her she told me " I need my sound" (We use a sound machine when she sleeps). After I turned that on, sister was out. I wanted to dance in the streets and sing to the birds....I settled for a picture because that sounded less crazy and allowed my mom to keep her neighbors happy.
Keep it coming 2013.
Looks like someone made herself a little new year's resolution to nap better?! I would have paid to see that dance!
My oldest (now 24) fought sleep so I know how thrilled you were :)
She is a little sweetie,so adorable!!
Dropped by from Katharine's Corner!(Lucy's Reality/Kissing)
I know how she feels! My boys and I have had the stupid cough that is going around and we all need more outside time! I do not mind the cold though. Just trying to avoid too many people so we do not pass it around!
my daughter ( now age 32) declared no more naps when she was a little over a year old. It was a struggle after that. giggle. love the sleeping angel photo. Happy New Year wishes and thank you for sharing at the hop. I hope you will stop by again soon. I posted the new giveaway! xo
Nothing quite like fresh air to keep kids healthy! :)
Congrats on the nap breakthrough, we are not quite there yet with my son, but you've just given me hope :)
Thanks for taking part in The Tuesday Baby Link-Up!
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