Wednesday, January 18, 2012

{Wordless Wednesday}

I think our morning nap times are over. The other morning I caught Isabelle in her swing with her feet on top of her tray, yelling, "weeee!"

More coffee for one please.


Pieni Lintu said...

So funny shot! :)

Anonymous said...

Adorable! Oh the positions our children can find themselves in sometime! Stopping by from wordless wednesday. New follower.

Erin said...

I see so much of you in her face! She's precious!

Joanna said...

She is just darling! And don't feel bad, my little lady never did morning naps, lol.

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

Oh how clever :) and so sweet !

kewkew said...

That is so cute.
Would love for you to stop by and share