Thursday, March 1, 2012


This weekend we traveled to Nashville to celebrate Mr. T's birthday and visit my sister and her family. Friday night we arrived just in time to pick up my nephew from school. He didn't think we would be in until later that night, so when he saw us at the school he was so excited that he had to fight back his tears (holy moly, it just melted my heart to the floor).

Friday night we saw Jason Aldean and Luke Bryan in concert. If you haven't seen either of them, I would highly recommend it. Kelly Clarkson also did a suprise visit to sing her song with Jason....ahhhmazing (yes, just about every time I say her name I want to say "ahh Kelly Clarkson!" like the 40 year old virgin. Sometimes I can hold back and other times I just say it).

Have you been to Nashville? I know a pretty mama, Laura, who lives outside of Nashville and attended a bloggers conference in Nashville the same weekend we were there. If you haven't been to Nashville, please put it on your bucket list. Even if you aren't a country music fan, there are TONS of things to do.
We went to a Nature gardens which was amazing. There are 500 acres of beautiful things to see...which of course our group only walked about a quarter of an acre and then called it quits. We just love us some nature though.

A yawn and a mimic bird.

We also ventured to my nephew's basketball game. Have I told you that I am sickly competitive? Well, I am. I hate it. Our siblings weren't allowed "family game night" because "family game night" usually turned into a more insane version of a martial arts fight...not cute.
I have the competitive gene in me, but for a while now I have learned to control it. I don't get too competitive with others and I have learned to control my emotions when there's a chance I might lose in anything (Please, don't ask Mr. T. about this. He might tell you something different...he's so rude sometimes).
All my self control practice went out the window when I went to my nephew's basketball game. It was his last game of the season and he had been so excited to show us how good he is and how many points he scored.

 We were excited to see him dominate, until we saw the other team that resembled the NBA all star team, hit the court. They could easily run plays and make free throws and lay ups (a nearly impossible thing to do when you're six). Needless to say, things got ugly fast.
The ref decided to not call ANY fouls and so my nephew ended up playing more like a lineman and less like a guard. He was scratched, bruised and exhausted. The other team taunted them and the other parents cheered when my nephews team messed up. I lost my cool. I yelled things at the ref, the other coach and held myself back from yelling at many of the other parents.
Mama bear came out.
I don't know what I am going to do when Izzy is in sports. I know that she will at one time be cheated, hurt, or teased and I will have to keep my composure. I will have to MAKE SURE I have myself under control.
Until then....I'll keep being a lunatic.


Laura said...

So glad y'all had fun!! It was a beautiful weekend! I'm jealous you went to that concert, I heard it was great. How come I don't know about this nature place?? Where is it? I need to check it out!

Lori @ La-La's Home Daycare said...

Nice that you saw them in concert!

Thanks so much for stopping by and following, I'm following you too!

Katie @ minivan diva said...

Nashville is one the places I'd really like to see in the next few years. My husband has a friend from there and we have heard so much about it. Glad you had a good time!