Thursday, November 8, 2012

Momma Lovin

Lately when Isabelle has wakes up from her nap, she just wants to cuddle and be held by me. She takes a while to completely wake up and usually she requires a Dora episode to get her stuff together, but as of lately, she has just wanted me to be with her. Just sit with her. Not talk (that's for sure!), just hold her and brush her hair. I know that this will be a phase that will end, so now I am embracing it.

 Maybe tomorrow during our "quiet time" I will teach her some simple manners...
She obviously learns that move from her Papa.


momFITtingitallin said...

I love the cuddly little moments that we can grasp bc even now at (5 and 4) they are getting less.

The last pic is just too funny!

Unknown said...

Cuddly moments are the best! If you ask Grant if you can have some snuggles he'll lay his head on your shoulder. I totally die for it. That last pic killed me. She's a riot! That part she gets from her momma.

Wendy said...

Super cute! You are so right, those moments don't last forever so enjoy them.... even if she is picking her nose :)

Unknown said...

ha! Still cute :) My youngest likes to sit on my lap in the mornings. It is only for a second but I love it!

Leslie said...

So sweet, nose picking & all! :)

Helene said...

I am new to your precious blog!! such cuties!!

Helene in Between

Jen said...

ha ha that's so cute! my 2 yr old is so grumpy when she wakes up she usually wants to just chill and watch dora too until she wakes up all the way!

Katherines Corner said...

cuddle time is the best!!!! giggles at the last photo. I always enjoy my visits to your sweet blog.Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop. Wishing you a happy weekend. xo