Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hair raising stories

Now, anyone that takes a glance at my daughter will quickly tell me how she looks exactly like my husband. That is no secret. Her almond shaped, coal colored eyes rival Frosty's and look just like her daddy's. 
After Isabelle started growing hair, I realized she also had her dad's wild mane. She wakes up from naps looking more like a lion and less like a toddler. (She does, however, get her grouchiness after nap time from me. I can claim that little trait. She also sounds more like a lion and less like a toddler.....Not fun.)  

Exhibit A: After nap time yesterday
Yup, you can't train that people. I promise (Santa's watching) there is no gel, balloons, or water involved in this hair do. It's au natural.

Don't believe me?

Exhibit B: Her daddy

Now, his might have a tad of grease in it. He was at the lake all weekend and for some reason he believes lake time doesn't go with hygiene.
P.s. Sorry I posted this picture Mr. T. That's what you get for making coffee that tastes like old, dirty, pot roast water. It's also what you get for taking pictures while driving...gah.

They both come by that hair honestly. Mr. T's grandma has got herself a full head of hair that you can see more of here. It's so awesome.

Remember when I used to think she had a mullet? Wow, times have changed. She has a full on mullet/ rat tail that is getting completely out of control. I think I am ready for a little sniparoo on the ol' hair to kind of even her out and make it more of a pixie cut and less of a business in the front, party in the back.

In her defense, I will say it doesn't look that bad when it's not wet, but no one wants a mullet at any time (unless of course you are attending a Nascar event and need one in order to fit in). My mom let me walk around with one and I am still bitter about it. I vowed to never do that to my kid and then here I am! So maybe a new Christmas-do is in order. Or maybe I will just continue to save these pictures for her wedding day. Probably the latter.  


Shelli said...

Haha my daughter had a mullet too!

Ashley said...

Im letting out a secret, I once had a mullet too!! I will NEVER let my Mom live that one down

Katie @ minivan diva said...

Love the crazy hair! That's pretty amazing.

Kendra said...

bahaha! Love that naptime hair :)

The Olive Tree Blog said...

my daughter is the spiting image of my husband...she looks nothing like me...I have had people ask is I was babysitting ;)

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

oh my goodness! This is hysterical! I love the hair. You should link this up on my sat laughs. LOVE!