Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Its Hump Day!

Happy Hump Day!!
...and rest assured, because its all down hill from here. In a good way!

Welcome to a Mid Week Link up where you can link up everything you got! From GFC, to Google Plus, to BlogLovin, Twitter, Facebook, Networked Blogs and of course your Blog Frog Communities too!

Spotlight blog this week: 

That's right folks! I'm hosting a little link up. Some of my favorite blogs have been found from these guys and I am interested to know who reads my blogs and doesn't follow or comment (don't be scared...I love to meet new people!). So please just say hello or link up so I can HOLLA back atcha (I promise I won't talk like that very often. But when I do, please don't judge. Or you'll be judging me a lot....make sense? No? Good.)

1. Follow your hosts  Mommy Only Has Two Hands, and Oh My Heartsie and Unexpected Mother on the linky form in each section you add something. 
2. Retweet/facebook, Friend Feed, Dig, stumble, whatever this hop. You can do this with my tweet button in the top left corner of this post or with the sexy bookmarks widget at the bottom of this post. The more people who know about this, the more fun it is...and the more followers.  
3. Follow who ever follows you! Of course you might have to initiate a follow by following people on the linky.

That is it!!

*If you would like me to follow you, leave a comment and your URL.*

It would be nice if you displayed the button in your post or blog sidebar. I just ask you only link up Family Friendly accounts only. I will make sure its family friendly!! Link up and have fun, after all the week is half way over....

Spread the word about the hop. Add the hop to your blog:
get the InLinkz code

Add your giveaways here:


Crystal Seed said...

First time link up! Thanks!! www.crystalann86.com

Erin said...

Wonderful linky, thanks for hosting! Hope you're having a lovely Wednesday!