Monday, August 15, 2011

Weekend Re-cap

Well, I did it. I finished the race. I got 4th overall female, which would usually make me mad....but I won $100! That erased all the disappointment pretty quickly. I knew I could have run better, but I basically beat myself. I went out WAYYYY to fast, which made me tired and ready to stop at about the 3k mark. I was seriously coming up with excuses on how I could quit. I couldn't come up with any good ones (I thought saying being chased by a rabid dog sounded fishy. Plus there were too many witnesses around. They would figure it out) so I just finished it. Please let me know what kind of excuses I could use for next time. I finished with an 18:10, so I have a new P.R. for my married name! Woo hoo! Mr. T ran his best time ever with a 20:20! He really wanted to break 20 min, but it just wasn't in the cards on Saturday. He's not really a "runner" (he's a bigger guy) so it's pretty ridiculous to me that he can just jump out there and whip the tails on all the other little skinny men out there! Large and in charge men unite!
Sunday morning we woke up and realized how old we are actually getting because both of us had a hard time getting out of our chairs. Holy soreness! I walked around like I had been riding a horse for 40 days in the desert. Not pretty. I didn't take any pictures to show you after the race (you can thank me later) so you'll just have to imagine how terrible I looked.

Saturday night, Mr. T and I celebrated a date night without Isabelle. We went to a delicious restaurant where we actually got to speak to one another and take our time (and not entertain Isabelle and then entertain everyone that walks by her and says, "aww she's so cute. How old is she?" and then tells us about their kids or grand kids or neighbors kids or kids they read about. Sweet, but annoying when you're just trying to eat dinner). After our quiet dinner we went to a movie (neither of us could say the last movie we saw in a theatre. Sad. I know). The movie was over at 9:30 and Mr. T suggested we could go somewhere and have a drink and just talk, even though at the time he suggested it, he started yawning. Lame-o parents right here! We laughed at ourselves, when we both decided going home would be more fun. Next stop a mini van and a fanny pack for me! Maybe throw in a puff paint sweatshirt with it! We enjoyed our date night and I would highly suggest it for any new parents. We are so lucky to have my parents that LOVE taking her any chance they get. Isabelle also loves going to Neena's house so it's a win-win.

As I have said before, Isabelle's ACTUAL first birthday is this Thursday. We celebrated it last weekend so our family in Nashville could join us before my nephew had to start school. This week has made me realize that my baby is officially not a baby!
This picture just makes me laugh. I don't know why she looks so shocked!

Already into stealing toys from her Cousin. Tiny little bully.

I'm officially "that mom". We matched. Sadly, I didn't plan it. I'm just lame and have the same taste as my one year old.

Her new best friend. The teething ring. Ah-mazing.


Katie @ minivan diva said...

Congrats on your place and time!!

basebell6 said...

congrats!! you are freaky fast! and the $100 was probably nice too! :)

Jenna Duty said...

i wish i was a runner! so i'm impressed! i love that you and your daughter matched!! i think it's cute!!

jenna duty

Kacie said...

Congrats on the race! And your daughter is beautiful!

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