Friday, November 18, 2011

Fun Friday!

I am a tad tired this morning because last night, along with a few of my closest girl friends (1500 women) I went to our Christmas Gathering at our Church. You can read more about it on Ashley Campbell's blog because let's face it, she takes better pictures, she was a presenter last night and she's just a lot cooler than me. We had so much fun pretending like we were in the crowd from Oprah's favorite things and I got some of Christmas shopping done! This is a big deal for me..I'm usually a December 24th kind of shopper.

Remember when I told you that Izzy is now acting like a little monkey by doing everything that I'm doing? That includes putting on makeup. It's a rare thing for her to see me put on makeup (because it happens once a week every other day or so) and so she took the opportunity to learn from me.

Isabelle stayed home and went on a Chic-fil-a and ice cream date with her daddy. About halfway through the The Gathering, I received this text message from Mr. T:

Along with this adorable picture, came a story that Izzy had decided to poop in the bathtub right as she was getting out. (It also also came with another picture of a turd in the bathtub...but it's Friday so I'll spare you that picture).
I guess every party has a pooper....

What I'm so loving right now? The fact that Isabelle has a blast with her dad and hazes him at the same time. She's so cool.


Val said...

She is truly so cute!!

Amanda T said...

She is such a cutie! Love the ones of her putting on makeup. Adorable!