Tuesday, November 8, 2011

We're going on a bear hunt

Except we're not hunting for bears. (I apologize if I got that "Bear Hunt" song/book in your head. I am an ex-kindergarten teacher so I spent many days with that song in my head. Now it's your turn). Going on a leaf hunt is more accurate, but then there would be no catchy song to go with it.
"What I love about right now" is the fall season. The season makes my heart happy because not only are the leaves beautiful, but the weather is nice enough to go on a walks anytime of the day.

Yesterday, Isabelle and I ventured out to enjoy the nice weather and play in the leaves.

We also did some minor trespassing....this yard isn't ours.

I remember being young and thinking that I was a failure in life if I didn't jump in every puddle that I saw. Apparently, that tradition lives on.

Sometimes, the small things in life can seem pretty silly. "I am a 26 year old mother and wife....I don't jump in puddles. What would the neighbors think? I don't want to get my pants wet." Those kind of thoughts are normal. They are normal, but boring. The second I stopped thinking about the negative stuff and took a lesson from Isabelle and jumped in the puddle, I couldn't stop. I was laughing so hard and Isabelle was belly laughing at me laughing and screaming.  She then showed me how she likes to jump in puddles. We were taking lessons from one another.
 Sometimes I think people don't give kids enough credit. They know more than we think. They are listening when we don't think they are listening. They are learning from every situation whether we like it or not.
As parents, we are told that our most important jobs are to mold them into "good" people.
The one thing I have learned this past year though is that kids actually mold their parents the most. Isabelle makes me want to be a better person. For her. For our family. She showed me the true meaning of unconditional love. She taught me that a simple smile can light up any one's life. She shows me daily that people are people. It doesn't matter what they look like or how they dress. She will smile, blow kisses and wave at everyone just the same. 
Can you imagine how different this world would be if we would all take a lesson from a child?

1 comment:

Ashleigh Nichole said...

such the sweetest post I must admit I even loved getting to read this whole post! So darling....